Confidence Coaching to build Your Self-Esteem

When you are you own worst critic, our Coaches & Therapists in London (and online) are here to help you to be kinder to yourself.


What is the difference between self-esteem and confidence, and how can you improve both?

Are you looking into Self Confidence Coaching to increase your self-esteem in one specific area of your life, for example in your love-life, at work, in relation to your children or socially? Or maybe you’d like to improve your overall sense of self-worth and to strengthen the entire foundation of your being?

At Vitalis Coaching & Therapy we believe that there is a difference between building self confidence and improving low self-esteem. In day-to-day life we often use the terms as if they mean the same thing. But there is a fundamental difference, and therefore increasing them requires a unique approach for each.

Self Confidence has to do with a belief in your own abilities. When you feel confident you trust that you can do a certain task. For example you can feel confident about cooking a delicious Indian curry or mastering a sport, but lack the confidence to express your boundaries, or to present in front of a group of people.

Self-Esteem is about how you perceive your own self-worth. It has to do with how much you value yourself, and if you believe you’re good enough and loveable. Having high self-esteem means you have a foundation of respect and trust in who you are as a person. Feeling worthy is about embracing every aspect of yourself with kindness and compassion. It’s not about knowing you master a certain skill, but instead about a fundamental belief that you are enough.

Lay the foundations for a thriving life with Self Confidence Coaching.

Young man wondering how to build his self confidence
Wooden bird radiating feeling confident with oneself

Enjoy that instant feeling of relief, knowing you’ve taken the first step to improve your self confidence in life and at work.


Monogram Vitalis High Self Esteem Confidence Coaching

"I wanted to learn to stand up to people in a positive way and to not get defensive. I have never liked confrontation, and Confidence Coaching helped me deal with this in a very positive way."

Lynda Sullivan - a grateful client

Woman on a paddle board watching the horizon and riding the waves of life with ease and joy.

Invest in Confidence Coaching, so a lack of self-esteem will no longer hold you back.

Recognise any of the following? Then Self Confidence Coaching helps you steer your life towards new horizons.

Self-doubt / Low self-belief

Worried about making the ‘right’ decisions

Feeling you’re somehow ‘behind’ in life

Worried about what others think of you

Comparing yourself to others

Imposter syndrome

Self-sabotaging behaviour / Procrastination

Thinking others are better than you

Insecure around people with ‘authority’


Not daring to speak your truth


Negative thoughts / Worried mindset


A proven path for building your confidence, self-compassion and fulfilment in life and at work.

A lack of confidence makes going through the motions of life more exhausting. Decisions are harder to take, self-doubt a continuous companion, worries about losing what matters to you (like a job or a partner), or fearing a back-lash when you get something ‘wrong’. To anticipate bad outcomes is draining, and can take your spontaneity away. You’re probable annoyed with this more vulnerable side of yourself as it’s blocking you from being your care-free self.

But instead of rejecting or disliking this part of yourself, during our coaching sessions together we will move towards it. We’ll get to know your insecurities and find out what they need in order to gain strength and resilience. By decreasing the voice of your inner critic and increasing your self-kindness, self-compassion and self-love a peace will come over you, a spaciousness, which allows for a more secure, grounded and open response to the challenges of life.

How can a Coach rebuild your self-esteem?

Confidence Coaching: Learn how to express your truth with kindness and respect for the other, and yourself.

During the coaching sessions we’ll explore what might be holding you back to feel more confident and speak what’s on your mind and heart. It could be that guilt, a fear of disappointing others or being rejected prevents you from being assertive, expressing your truth clearly or standing up for your own needs. You might worry about coming across as arrogant or selfish. And it’s likely that you’ve got an unfriendly voice in your own head, telling you things like "I’m a failure, I don't deserve it, I'm not good enough, It’s my fault, I’ll always be alone...". The voice of your inner critic holds you back and limits you in achieving your deepest wishes. During our Self-Confidence Coaching sessions we’ll get to know this part of you in order to develop a kinder inner dialogue, to let go of old beliefs about yourself that are no longer serving you, to learn how to say no to others (and yes to yourself!) and to stand up for yourself in a healthy, gracious way.

At Vitalis Coaching & Therapy we love supporting you to grow your confidence, resilience and self-esteem. Guiding you to step into a fuller, more grounded version of yourself who can express their truth in a way that isn’t arrogant or selfish, but kind and deeply respectful for the other, and yourself.

Together let’s find the clarity and confidence to take your life in the right direction.


Grow your Self Confidence with Coaching & Therapy


Ready for a self confidence coaching journey?

Enjoy true confidence, inside and out.


grateful self confidence coaching Client

Happy Confidence Coaching Client

"Coaching helped me regain my confidence to change things, and work out what I really want from my life."

neelam sharma

Take your next step in life with confidence and ease.
beautiful textures and words with confidence

So, what’s next?

Confidence Coaching: improve your self-esteem in life and at work.


Free confidence coaching exercise

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Find out Your Next Step in Life

When you know it's time to make improvements in your life, but you're confused about what you want or where to begin, this free and straightforward mini-course brings clarity and direction, so you can take those important decisions with confidence.

Man journalling and reflecting on his work and private life.


With gratitude: cover photo of swan by Cees Nabuurs.